Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Flashback !!!

Hello All... its been a while i haven't updated this blog due to mainly 2 reasons-

1] My parents were visiting me here in USA for the very first time
2] I moved into a new apartment

But that doesn't mean i didn't bake...rather i baked a lot.... tried lot of things... below are the pics..i'm wondering which recipes should i post.. Can you all help me - which ones would you like to see?

Orange-Cranberry Cookies

Chocolate cake with Chocolate Ganache

Homemade Chocolate bars

Banana cupcakes

Chocolate Wine cake for my Birthday

Cranberry Blondies

Ginger Cookies

Chocolate Linzer cookies with sugar-free Raspberry filling

Chocolate cake with whipped cream strawberry filling

Valentine's Day gifts for my friends

Earl Grey Chocolate Cake

Dark Chocolate Coconut Blondies

Vanilla Cake with Whipped cream strawberry filling Cake

Chocolate Cupcakes for St. Patrick's Day!

Isn't it a big list :P
Hope you liked all of them ..... I will try to put recipes for most of them but i would love to hear the top ones so i include them first....

C ya!!!


Dipti Mahendran said...

Hey Richa, that's a long list you have there :-) I would definitely like to try out recipes for the following :

* Orange - cranberry cookies
* Ginger cookies
* Banana cupcakes
* Earl grey chocolate cake


My Scrawls said...

Came searching for a mahastrian recipe and ended up seeing this delicious list :) Do post all the recipes! U have a wonderful site with mouth watering pics!!! Nice work.

Richa Kulkarni said...

Thanks a lot :)

Richa Kulkarni said...

Sure now u can come anytime :)